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Marol Academy 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting sustainable education in South Sudan.  It has grown to envision plans to support healthcare of the students and community in the region.


Feminine hygiene kits distributed at the Marol school

Isaiah Mathieu

The four photos below are courtesy of Donato Agim, a former teacher at the Marol school and now a medical student in Wau. He goes back to Marol to volunteer during his breaks.  Thank you, Donato Agim!

The photos show the distribution of feminine hygiene kits, donated by Days for Girls which Linda Wehbi and Chelsea Barnes transported from Ventura to Los Angeles.  Professor Jok Madut Jok received the boxes and shipped them to Kampala, thanks to a grant from Gratis Humanitarian Aid (Patricia Fabbri Forbes). 

More will be sent over land soon from Kampala to Juba, with Marol as their final destination.  We are grateful to all who made it possible for these hygiene kits to reach recipients in rural Marol enabling young women to attend classes with no missed days.
